Pollen Honey 300 gr neto and Heather Flower Honey 320 gr neto

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Pollen Honey 300 gr neto and Heather Flower Honey 320 gr neto
What we offer?

We offer Pollen Honey 300 gr neto and Heather Flower Honey 320 gr neto weight in jar. Pollen honey contains honey and 30% pollen. Best before 2016.
What is Pollen?

Bee Pollen is made by honeybees, and is the food of the young bee. It is considered one of nature’s most completely nourishing foods as it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. Bee-gathered pollens are rich in proteins (approximately 40% protein), free amino acids, vitamins, including B-complex, and folic acid.

Bee pollen is a complete food and contains many elements that products of animal origin do not possess. Bee pollen is more rich in proteins than any animal source. It contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body.

It is important to recognize that a one teaspoon dose of pollen takes one bee working eight hours a day for one month to gather. Each bee pollen pellet, contains over two million flower pollen grains and one teaspoonful contains over 2.5 billion grains of flower pollen.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, has listed bee pollen as one of his 22 most recommended food energies. Bee Pollen can be used medicinally for a wide range of conditions from prostate health to skin conditions and can help correct specific nutritional imbalances within the body.

10 great reasons why to add fresh bee pollen in honey to you daily meal?

1. Energy Enhancer – The range of nutrients found within bee pollen makes it a great natural energizer. The carbohydrates, protein and B vitamins can help keep you going all day by enhancing stamina and fighting off fatigue.

2. Skin Soother – Bee pollen is often used in topical products that aim to treat inflammatory conditions and common skin irritations like psoriasis or eczema. The amino acids and vitamins protect the skin and aid the regeneration of cells.

3. Respiratory System – Bee pollen contains a high quantity of antioxidants that may have an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the lungs, preventing the onset of asthma.

4. Treating Allergies – Pollen reduces the presence of histamine, ameliorating many allergies. Dr. Leo Conway, M.D of Denver Colorado, reported that 94 percent of his patients were completely free from allergy symptoms once treated with oral feeding of pollen. Everything from asthma to allergies to sinus problems were cleared, confirming that bee pollen is wonderfully effective against a wide range of respiratory diseases.

5. Digestive System – In addition to healthful vitamins, minerals and protein, bee pollen contains enzymes that can aid in digestion. Enzymes assist your body in getting all the nutrients you need from the food that you eat.

6. Immune System Booster – Pollen is good for the intestinal flora and thereby supports the immune system. According to holistic health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola, bee pollen has antibiotic-type properties that can help protect the body from contracting viruses. It’s also rich in antioxidants that protect the cells from the damaging oxidation of free radicals.

7. Treats Addictions – Used holistically for healing addictions and inhibiting cravings by suppressing impulses. Because bee pollen crashes cravings, it is a very useful research is needed into this benefit, particularly when it comes to weight management.

8. Supports the Cardiovascular System – Bee Pollen contains large amounts of Rutin; an antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps strengthen capillaries, blood vessels, assists with circulatory problems and corrects cholesterol levels. Its potent anti-clotting powers could help prevent heart attack and stroke.

9. Prostate Aid – Men who suffer from benign prostate hyperplasia can find relief by using bee pollen. Bee pollen can help reduce inflammation to stop frequent urges to urinate.

10. Infertility Problems – Bee pollen stimulates and restores ovarian function, therefore may be used to assist in accelerating pregnancy. As well as being a hormonal booster it is also a great aphrodisiac!

Properties of Heather Flower Honey?

Dark amber colored honey with reddish orange tinge.
Slightly bitter taste with a mix of tangy, smoky, pungent taste. Leaves a mildly bitter after taste that lingers in your mouth for a long time.
Smells similar to the heather flowers that have a characteristic woody, warm, floral fresh fruit aroma.
Does not crystallize at all.
Contains high amount of moisture that is about 25% which is quite higher than other honey varieties. Despite of presence of high water content it resists fermentation as the gel like consistency traps water.
Contains high amounts of minerals and proteins.

Benefits of Heather Flower Honey

The antiseptic property supports faster healing of wounds like the Buckwheat honey. It is even said to treat malignant tumors. Enzymes such as glucose oxidase present in raw honey are responsible for secretion of compounds such as gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide that exert antiseptic action.
Improves the process of digestion .
Sugars present in it serve as good source of energy. Taking of a spoon of honey will help to relieve fatigue immediately.
Contains high amount of antioxidants : High amount of antioxidants present in Heather honey help in removal of free radicals produced as a result of metabolic reactions and interactions with external pollutants. Removal of these free radicals prevents aging and also improves the overall health.

Ordering in bulk

Yes, it is possible. Just e-mail us at dealtechnic@gmail.com how many beeswax candles you would like and we will do the rest. We combine postage costs.

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Within 24 hours once payment is received.

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